Thursday, May 21, 2009

UEN Reflection

This is just to make the blog a little more interesting. This is a tree in Puerto Rico that they just build around. It was growing up in the middle of the side walk and it was huge! We on the other hand chop everything down.

How/why will you use UEN in your future classroom?
I'll use the UEN website in my class as a resource. I really like the lesson plans that are posted there and I've actually used a few already. The lesson plans there are even a good jumping off spot because sometimes we just need something to spark or mind. Plus they give a great list of places to go to get more lesson plans so as a new teacher I won't be so overwhelmed. I really like the fact the you can plan a lesson plan on line. Their set up is so much easier than UVU's!

I like the interactives or at least the ones in the science section. I know that I would rather do things like that in class than worksheets or the handouts that teachers give you to review for a test. Not that the handouts are bad but they would just be so much better than if they were used with some of the interactives. Plus it's always more fun to review in a game type setting or learn things when there are pictures. It makes it seem less like school and more like fun.

(Ok these pictures don't have anything specifically to do with this but it would be cool to use them in a natural disaster lesson. They were taken in Dominica)

Pioneer Library is just too cool not to use. I think the research part is a great way for students to learn how reliable and credible web sites look and how they use language. We want our students to learn to be web savy and that's a great SAFE place for them to learn it. It's easier to spot things out of place on other web sites if you're used to really good ones. Plus the culture grams are really cool also. It lets students go other places without leaving and I think it's important for them to see the world.

I really like the fact that the core curriculum is listed there and that you can search for lesson plans that way. I think the core is a little overwhelming and having it right there to access makes it easy to double check ideas that are found there. It's a pain to have to go to other sites to get the information.

I know this wasn't requested but I love that you can sign up for classes on technology stuff! I think it is so cool. There are so many that I want to take. Plus they have all kinds of resources on Utah things which is really nice for those of us who didn't grow up here. It's so nice to have everything in one place instead of having to search everywhere on the internet.

GPS Tracking

Provide examples of how you would have your students use it and insert pictures to enhance your reflection (min of 2).

I like some of the activities that they have for field trips because I don't think those are to much of an option in jr. and sr. high. I think that I would do more of the webquests involving Google Earth. I think that it would be really cool. They could do something like a race finding clues about faults and stuff like that or solar system explorations or like this picture of the mountains in Alberta that look like a person. I could have them search for weird things like that but do it by a webquest.

Do you intend to use UEN, Google Sites, or another application for your class website? Why?

Yes I do. I just think that this fabulous things are available to us as teachers and we should grap them. I love the Pioneer Library for my students to research and I love Google everything. I really want my students to take advantage of all the free organizations things that they offer and I know I've said it before but Google Earth and Sky are amazing! It's not as good as seeing things in person but it's like a billion times better than an overhead!

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